FREE Cricut Collection when you join the Roxybonds Scrappers Team in APRIL!!! Who would like to go on an Artistic Business Venture with me???
When you join my Roxybonds Scrappers Team as an Independent Consultant during the month of April, you’ll not only start out on your artistic journey, but you’ll also be given the right artistic tools to help you on your way: you’ll receive a FREE Close To My Heart Cricut® collection* with your New Consultant Kit! Each collection is extremely “art-full” and makes for hours of artistic scrapbooking. Let your CTMH journey begin APRIL 1st!!!
Basically for $99, you'll get all that is pictured ($300 value) plus your choice of Artbooking, Artiste, or Art Philosophy (over $400 total).
Plus you can earn your $99 back in the first 3 months.
This is a SMOKIN HOT deal---- 75% savings!
Let's chat about how we can make this work for you!!
Basically for $99, you'll get all that is pictured ($300 value) plus your choice of Artbooking, Artiste, or Art Philosophy (over $400 total).
Plus you can earn your $99 back in the first 3 months.
This is a SMOKIN HOT deal---- 75% savings!
Let's chat about how we can make this work for you!!
For only $99, look at all you get:
PLUS Choose ONE of the following three:
Art Philosophy Bundle
Art Philosophy Bundle
Artiste Bundle
Artbooking Bundle
When you join the Roxybonds Scrappers Team you will get:
*Support from ME to help you reach your CTMH goals
*Online support from our Team via the team Facebook Page
*Online support and training from CTMH
***When you reach your Straight To The Top goals- you will get your $99 initial investment from CTMH AND a Workshops on the Go Kit of your choice from ME!!!!***
I'm looking for people, just like you, to join my team. At Close To My Heart it's easy to choose the type of consultant that meets YOUR needs.
Business Builder: Work with customers holding Home Gatherings, Clubs, Workshops, Crops and Expos. Make additional income to contribute to your household. Start the day knowing you are your own boss!
Studio J Consultant: You love studio scrapbooking and love the convenience, flexibility, and afforability Studio J offers you and your scrapbooking needs. Between you, your friends, family, and co-workers you're creating at least 10 layouts a month, benefiting from the 22% discount.
Club Coordinator: You have a group of friends that love to get together and scrapbook. They love Close To My Heart products as much as you do and want to learn how to use the products in a “workshop” setting. Get 5 or more together, once a month, to create on of Close To My Heart's Workshop on the Go Kits. You'll benefit from the 22% discount , on these purchases, as well as the Hostess Rewards.
Hobbyist (Personal Use Consultant): You love the product and just want the discount for yourself. You may have a few friends/family/co-workers that also enjoy using the product and choose to place orders with you. You have no problem meeting the $300.00 quarterly minimum and receiving the 22% discount off these purchases.
There is a place for everyone at Close To My Heart and on my team! From California to New Hampshire, from Washington to Florida, I have consultants all over the country. We'd love to have you be a part of the Roxybonds Scrappers Team!
Please call me and allow me to share with you why you might want to be apart of Close To My Heart. You can reach me by phone at 559-824-4838 or email at