Welcome back Summer Begins Blog Hoppers!
You are in for a treat today!!!!! A big part of the beginning of summer here is Father's Day!!!
I just had to share this with you guys...look at the adorable card my friend Jayma made for Father's Day!!
Guess how easy it is to make these BBQ apron cards? So easy that you hardly have to do any work...she put CARD KITS together so YOU can make this card yourself!! Order 2 kits...or 3...one for the hubby and one for your dad and father-in-law! Your kids will have a great time helping you put it together!
It even comes step-by-step instructions with a photo and templates.
Check out her blog to get your card kits today-- there is still PLENTY of time to order, receive and assemble :) And while you're over there, follow her blog and tell her I sent you!
Be sure to scroll down to Day 1 of this blog hop to see my Summer Begins swimming layout done with Studio J!
AND to enter my BLOG CANDY!!!!!
Hop on over to Singrid once again to see what she has in store for you!
Smiles Sher
pennyspad at sbcglobal dot net
Thanks for Sharing,
I am sure they will be greatly appreciated
anita abbraddock@msn.com