From the moment I saw the Jackson Paper Pack, I knew it would be PERFECT for my camping photos. The Jackson Scrapbooking Worskhops on the Go Kit comes with a fabulous stamp set too!
This month my scrapbook club (both local and long distance) will be creating these layouts this month!
This month my scrapbook club (both local and long distance) will be creating these layouts this month!
Supplies Used:
G1094 $29.95
X7195C $4.95
D1644 $17.95
Want more?????
These additional supplies coordinate with jackson, and will make your artwork shine!
Z3068 Jackson Picture My Life Cards $8.95
Z2047 Wildwood Clips $4.95
Bonus Options:
Barn Red Ink $5.95
Cocoa Ink $5.95
Glacier Ink $5.95
Juniper Ink $5.95
A1173 The Best Dad Ever $6.95
C1611 Campfire Lifestyle $13.95
D1562 Team Player $17.95
Do you like to work with a "Kit of the Month"???? For $29.95 (plus tax/ship) each month you could get a CTMH kit of the month! Contact me today to join the fun and start creating beautiful layouts each month! PLUS you could also earn $25 in FREE product for every 6 kits you purchase!