This is IT! This is the big gift that I make each year for my family (and myself)!!!!!
For the last two years, I've created traditionally scrapbooked 12x12 calendars for my parents, my in-laws and myself. This year I switched over to using Studio J layouts and I LOOOOOOVE the outcome! The pages are all so sharp looking, they are fully embellished and the calendar is super thin and light! Woohooo!
All of my calendar layouts from Studio J have been posted already, but here is the final product:
Sorry for the dark pics, its been raining for 4 straight days here....
As a Studio J member, I was able to print out my layouts (2-pagers) for $6.50 (then I got my consultant discount on top of that!). Then I got the JPEG images for free, and I printed 2 more copies of each calendar page at costco for $2.99. So for $36, I had 12 layouts and the Calendar was another $7.95. Pretty nice gift for under $50! PLUS they will have scrapbooked layouts of their grandkids to keep FOREVER!!!!!
Last year, I gave them an album with protectors to put the calendar pages from the year before in, and this year I'm giving them more page protectors to add the 2010 pages.
Try STUDIO J here today! Get started EARLY on your 2012 calendars ;)
Thanks for joining me for 5 Days of Gifts! I hope I've inspired you to make something! If not for this year, for next year :)
Linked to:
Skip to my Lou
Tater Tots & Jello
For the last two years, I've created traditionally scrapbooked 12x12 calendars for my parents, my in-laws and myself. This year I switched over to using Studio J layouts and I LOOOOOOVE the outcome! The pages are all so sharp looking, they are fully embellished and the calendar is super thin and light! Woohooo!
All of my calendar layouts from Studio J have been posted already, but here is the final product:
Sorry for the dark pics, its been raining for 4 straight days here....
As a Studio J member, I was able to print out my layouts (2-pagers) for $6.50 (then I got my consultant discount on top of that!). Then I got the JPEG images for free, and I printed 2 more copies of each calendar page at costco for $2.99. So for $36, I had 12 layouts and the Calendar was another $7.95. Pretty nice gift for under $50! PLUS they will have scrapbooked layouts of their grandkids to keep FOREVER!!!!!
Last year, I gave them an album with protectors to put the calendar pages from the year before in, and this year I'm giving them more page protectors to add the 2010 pages.
Try STUDIO J here today! Get started EARLY on your 2012 calendars ;)
Thanks for joining me for 5 Days of Gifts! I hope I've inspired you to make something! If not for this year, for next year :)
Linked to:
Skip to my Lou
Tater Tots & Jello