YOU could get these stamp of the month sets (May through August) FOR FREE!!!!!! AND you would receive them in April--- so one month early!
What a DEAL!
HOW you ask??? up to become a consultant you will receive FREE with your consultant's kit ALL FOUR of the not yet released Summer 2010 Stamp of the Months...that's almost a $100 value....FREE!
It's already a wonderful deal to get the consultants basic kit, it's over $300 in value for only $99, but now adding the special on you will get over $400 for only $99. Wow you can believe it!
When you sign up you can also take advantage of two other great offers...the scrapbook add on kit only $60 with a retail value of $180 and /or the cardmaking kit that is $50 with a retail value of $150. So you can really start your business off with a bang!
Feel free to email me at roxybonds@gmail.com if you have ANY questions! I would love to have YOU as a part of my team! Whether you are a hobbyist, want to make a little extra cash or are looking for a new business opportunity- CTMH is for YOU!
CLICK HERE to join my team today!