Make it a Crafty Year by Joining a
Monthly Close To My Heart Hostess Club!!
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Monthly Close To My Heart Hostess Club!!
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The Annual Inspirations Idea Book is 209 Pages Full of Over 250 Brand New Products!! This is the LARGEST Idea Book we have had yet!! And guess what?!?! The products are guaranteed to remain available for a full year!! AND...the Seasonal Expressions 1 Idea Book was just released December 1 with 40 pages full of ALL NEW products including 2 new paper packs, coordinating complements and embellishments, stamp sets, tools, etc. PLUS... there will be a third book -- the Seasonal Expressions 2 Idea Book will be released April 1 with 40 pages full of ALL NEW products. By joining a monthly hostess club this term (February thru July) you will be able to purchase out of all 3 Idea Books...that's a TON of products!! You are going to want to join a Monthly Hostess Club so you can get it all while budgeting your orders!!

Here are the Hostess Club details:
How can you get your hands on all these fun new items PLUS get product for FREE and items at 1/2 price?!?! JOIN A 6-MONTH HOSTESS CLUB!! You DO NOT have to be local in order to join. Orders will ship directly to you, or if you are local I can deliver.
The 6-Month $25 Club runs from February to July, and you spend $25 each month (plus S&H and Tax). There are 6 spots in this club of which you can have more than one spot if you choose to. You will then be the Hostess and earn a minimum of $25 in FREE product for each club spot you hold.
Hopefully you already know how AWESOME Close To My Heart's Hostess Rewards Plan is.
Hopefully you already know how AWESOME Close To My Heart's Hostess Rewards Plan is.
In addition to being the hostess, ALL members will receive:
1) FREE Idea Books before other customers!!
* Annual Inspiration Idea Books & Seasonal Expression 1 Idea Books will be mailed out immediately for those participating.
* Seasonal Expression 2 Idea Books will be mailed out in early-mid March while non-club members will not be mailed out until the end of the month.
2) A FREE mini stamp set just for joining -- Shipped with your Hostess Club Order!!
3) A FREE Stamp of the Month during hostess month!!
4) One month of being the hostess earning at least $25 in FREE Hostess Rewards!!
(Hostesses average $40 or more in FREE Product plus 1 item at 50% off)
5) Advance notice of the following month's Corporate Campaign.
6) Club ONLY promotions from me!!
Yes, this is a TON of information- let me know if you have any questions :)
I look forward to working with you in 2015!
Yes, this is a TON of information- let me know if you have any questions :)
I look forward to working with you in 2015!
EMAIL ME to sign up: