I have a lot on my plate, I admit it!
I constantly am asked HOW I do it..... and of course WHY I choose to do it all.
So here's my story.... I am married to a High School baseball coach (and teacher). He's been coaching since we met. His aspirations have always been to coach in college, and I hope that's in his future! Coaching baseball is not just a March through May thing.... its YEAR ROUND! He starts up at the end of August with fall ball. That ends at the end of October or so. At the end of November, they get into try-outs and winter ball. They are in full-fledged baseball season as soon as winter break ends. Games begin at the end of February and end with the Valley Championship at the end of May. As soon as that is done, they try-out for summer ball. That lasts until July 4th. So our summer begins then and ends when I go back to work the second week of August.
This demanding schedule of the baseball coach gets harder every year! I signed up for this (as the wife) and I support it.
I am a full-time teacher too. I teach middle school- enough said! I have been teaching 10 years and I love it. I have done my stint of coaching, but ended that when the kids started to arrive. I am also the Leader of my department, run a club and serve on committees. I love my job, I love my school and I would not trade it for the world!
I am a mom of two young kids. They are now 5 1/2- entering Kindergarten in the fall, and turning 3 and growing to be a big girl! These two alone are enough to keep a mom busy ALL THE TIME! They are a handful, I admit! There is definitely a reason that I WORK instead of stay at home. I bow down to the stay at home moms. I am such a lucky mom though! They are truly the light of my life!!!
I have been a consultant with Close To My Heart for 4 years now and I LOVE IT!!!!! I started scrapbooking many moons ago, but got going seriously when my oldest was born. It became an obsession :) When I joined CTMH, I was looking for the discount and to share with friends. I started off slowly, but after a year or so, I stepped it up and stared offering classes each month. I started up some monthly clubs and my business grew. I truly enjoy teaching classes, scrapbooking with my friends and sharing my love for CTMH! I have built a nice sized team and love mentoring them and learning from them.
I have been able to scrapbook, blog, work my business and be successful mainly due to my well-sleeping children! Nap time and bed time are MY time! That's when I get it all done, when the kids are in bed!
Recently, I came across Jewel Kade. I fell in love with the jewelry, the company and JUMPED at the amazing, ground floor opportunity to be a stylist! It's funny actually, I didn't jump at first.... At the party I hosted, my dear, sweet mother-in-law nudged me and said "you should do this". I nudged her back and said "oh sure I'll add that to my already full plate". Well the seed was planted, and I had to!
I am excited to "charm" others with the amazing jewelry through parties :) I have done 3 parties so far, with a few others booked in the upcoming weeks! I'm doing some giveaways as well (Stay tuned for that)
So HOW do I do it????
*PASSION!---- I have the fire, desire and passion for it all. I don't do anything half-assed. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to give it my all and get it done!
*EXCITEMENT--- I am excited about my "jobs". They are not really jobs to me, they are fun! I try to ooze that enthusiasm.
*SUPPORT--- for the most part, I have the support from my family. As long as I put in the time with the fam, they give me the time I need to do what I love to do!
*SLEEP--- as I said before, while they sleep, I work. Naptimes and bedtimes are my friend! I burn the midnight oil many nights. I'm the last to sleep and the first to rise. I rarely take naps. Luckily, I can survive like this!
WHY do I do it all????
*LOVE--- I love baseball! I love teaching! I love my husband and kids! I love scrapbooking! I love sharing jewelry with others!
*JOY---- The look on my customer's faces when they create something that they LOVE! The look on peoples faces when they see and are wowed by the Jewel Kade Jewelry. The excitement of my kids when they can create with me, when I make them something or when I show them scrapbook pages of them. The smile on my hubby's face when I can say "the business paid for that".
and now...
*Apparently I have to.... it seems that in this horrible economy, terrible state of CA budget and education, I have to! How sad is that??? I'm a college educated woman, who has been in her career of choice for 10 years, and I have to have supplemental income at this point in my career. Its a Darn Good thing that I WANT to!!!!
So what do you do, and what is your WHY?
Leave me a comment, I will randomly select one person and send them a goodie :)
If I get 25 comments, I'll add in a GC to CTMH.
If I get 50 comments, I'll throw in a GC to Jewel Kade.
I can't wait to hear from YOU!!!!
I constantly am asked HOW I do it..... and of course WHY I choose to do it all.
So here's my story.... I am married to a High School baseball coach (and teacher). He's been coaching since we met. His aspirations have always been to coach in college, and I hope that's in his future! Coaching baseball is not just a March through May thing.... its YEAR ROUND! He starts up at the end of August with fall ball. That ends at the end of October or so. At the end of November, they get into try-outs and winter ball. They are in full-fledged baseball season as soon as winter break ends. Games begin at the end of February and end with the Valley Championship at the end of May. As soon as that is done, they try-out for summer ball. That lasts until July 4th. So our summer begins then and ends when I go back to work the second week of August.
This demanding schedule of the baseball coach gets harder every year! I signed up for this (as the wife) and I support it.
I am a full-time teacher too. I teach middle school- enough said! I have been teaching 10 years and I love it. I have done my stint of coaching, but ended that when the kids started to arrive. I am also the Leader of my department, run a club and serve on committees. I love my job, I love my school and I would not trade it for the world!
I am a mom of two young kids. They are now 5 1/2- entering Kindergarten in the fall, and turning 3 and growing to be a big girl! These two alone are enough to keep a mom busy ALL THE TIME! They are a handful, I admit! There is definitely a reason that I WORK instead of stay at home. I bow down to the stay at home moms. I am such a lucky mom though! They are truly the light of my life!!!
I have been a consultant with Close To My Heart for 4 years now and I LOVE IT!!!!! I started scrapbooking many moons ago, but got going seriously when my oldest was born. It became an obsession :) When I joined CTMH, I was looking for the discount and to share with friends. I started off slowly, but after a year or so, I stepped it up and stared offering classes each month. I started up some monthly clubs and my business grew. I truly enjoy teaching classes, scrapbooking with my friends and sharing my love for CTMH! I have built a nice sized team and love mentoring them and learning from them.
I have been able to scrapbook, blog, work my business and be successful mainly due to my well-sleeping children! Nap time and bed time are MY time! That's when I get it all done, when the kids are in bed!
Recently, I came across Jewel Kade. I fell in love with the jewelry, the company and JUMPED at the amazing, ground floor opportunity to be a stylist! It's funny actually, I didn't jump at first.... At the party I hosted, my dear, sweet mother-in-law nudged me and said "you should do this". I nudged her back and said "oh sure I'll add that to my already full plate". Well the seed was planted, and I had to!
I am excited to "charm" others with the amazing jewelry through parties :) I have done 3 parties so far, with a few others booked in the upcoming weeks! I'm doing some giveaways as well (Stay tuned for that)
So HOW do I do it????
*PASSION!---- I have the fire, desire and passion for it all. I don't do anything half-assed. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to give it my all and get it done!
*EXCITEMENT--- I am excited about my "jobs". They are not really jobs to me, they are fun! I try to ooze that enthusiasm.
*SUPPORT--- for the most part, I have the support from my family. As long as I put in the time with the fam, they give me the time I need to do what I love to do!
*SLEEP--- as I said before, while they sleep, I work. Naptimes and bedtimes are my friend! I burn the midnight oil many nights. I'm the last to sleep and the first to rise. I rarely take naps. Luckily, I can survive like this!
WHY do I do it all????
*LOVE--- I love baseball! I love teaching! I love my husband and kids! I love scrapbooking! I love sharing jewelry with others!
*JOY---- The look on my customer's faces when they create something that they LOVE! The look on peoples faces when they see and are wowed by the Jewel Kade Jewelry. The excitement of my kids when they can create with me, when I make them something or when I show them scrapbook pages of them. The smile on my hubby's face when I can say "the business paid for that".
and now...
*Apparently I have to.... it seems that in this horrible economy, terrible state of CA budget and education, I have to! How sad is that??? I'm a college educated woman, who has been in her career of choice for 10 years, and I have to have supplemental income at this point in my career. Its a Darn Good thing that I WANT to!!!!
So what do you do, and what is your WHY?
Leave me a comment, I will randomly select one person and send them a goodie :)
If I get 25 comments, I'll add in a GC to CTMH.
If I get 50 comments, I'll throw in a GC to Jewel Kade.
I can't wait to hear from YOU!!!!