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Showing posts from May, 2011

CTMH--- June Stamp of the Month Blog Hop

Welcome to the June Stamp of the Month Blog Hop If you are here from Georgia's Blog , you are in the right place.  HOWEVER, I have been sick all weekend with the flu, so I"m going to pass you right on over to Nicole's Blog to continue along the hop! Happy Hopping! You can get the June stamp of the Month by shopping here! 

3 days left......

There are only 3 days left to take advantage of the 50% off CTMH Consultant kit !  So far this month, 15 members have joined my team!!!!  4 under me, and 11 under my wonderful downline!  As we are all saying, WHY NOT?????? Many ladies are taking advantage of this deal simply for the kit.  Some are doing it for the Studio J membership.  Many are doing it for the discount (22%). ALL are joining for the FUN!!!!! I invite you to join my team, join the FUN, and receive the BEST scrapbooking products around! The consultant kit, normally $129 is ONLY $64.50 until 5/31.  You get basic business supplies, catalogs and you get to choose THREE of the following options:  Get this kit FREE:  PLUS---- You'll get a special welcome packet from ME!!!!! Ready to get started?????? CLICK HERE TO JOIN MY TEAM!!!!!

CTMH--- Studio J tutorials

I wanted to share a couple more tutorials on Studio J created by the CTMH staff!  I have found these to be truly helpful and have used some of the techniques myself!  After viewing these tutorials, head on over and start playing in Studio J today!  CLICK HERE Its fast and easy!  You really can create a layout in under 30 minutes :) 

Scrapbooking Sunday!

What day of the week do you scrapbook most???  I can say that I sit down to scrapbook on most Sundays :)  Such a relaxing thing to do during nap time or even after a restful weekend, late Sunday night! I have not shared layouts in a while, so here are a few from the past couple Sunday's: This week, my scrapbook club worked with the Mayberry kit.  I have found this kit to be so versatile and works well with any kind of pictures.  I created the featured 2-page layout in the kit, then created these 4 additional layouts. Just Dance- here I added some ribbon from the Pink Ribbon Collection, and used the Token Alphabet and the Ecclectic Irresistible Alphabet. Ride- the Polka Dot Alphabet was perfect for my title here.  I also used the Badge Buttons to create a monogram near the photos. I just love the grid look in this layout.  I used a variety of buttons from the Basic Button Collection, Green Button Collection and Badge Buttons to embellish.  I a...


I'm excited to be a part of a huge giveaway!!!! Head on over to AtoZebraCelebrations to see all the fun things you can win--- INCLUDING a $25 Jewel Kade gift certificate from ME :)

CTMH--- Studio J featured on CK

By now you should know how much I LOOOOOVE Studio J!!!  On the Creating Keepsakes Blog, CTMH's VP Wrote an article about Studio J.  YOU can win a FREE Studio J 5-pack!  Check it out here:   GOOD news:  Get your STUDIO J Membership for only $64.50 this month!  (Reg. $99) PLUS enjoy 22% off ALL your layouts! Join CTMH as a consultant by 5/31 and you could become a Studio J consultant. Start here Studio J Consultant: You love studio scrapbooking and love the convenience, flexibility, and afforability Studio J offers you and your scrapbooking needs. Between you, your friends, family, and co-workers you're creating at least 10 layouts a month, benefiting from the 22% discount.

Winner Winner *~* Flowers Blog Hop*~*

Blogger has been down a couple days... booo! Without further adeau... the winner of the Flowers Flowers Everywhere blog hop is: Michelle said... and last but not least I joined your Jewel Kade Fan Page over there on facebook.... I really like those charms they are really cute but, I'm not too sure I'd know how to use them right. Thanks for sharing, Michelle May 7, 2011 7:01 PM   Michelle wins a $10 gift certificate to Jewel Kade!!!!   Jewel Kade is known for its Vintage, contemporary, urban and romantic style – we offer a fresh take on timeless HANDCRAFTED charms and jewelry. Handcrafted quality. Intriguing embellishments. All of our jewelry is designed & manufactured here in the USA     Congrats Michelle!!!!!

CTMH-- Mayberry Workshop Kit of the Month

Whenever I hear "Mayberry" I think of the Rascal Flatts song... Check out a video featuring the awesome Mayberry Kit: May Workshop Kit of the Month **MAYBERRY** May 22, 12-4 RSVP & Pay by May 12 G1022 Mayberry Workshop Kit (includes): Mayberry Level 2 Paper Packet ($12.95) My Acrylix® Mayberry Workshop ($13.95) Canvas Badge Buttons ($6.95) Workshop Guide ($1.00)                                                    $29.95 Best Kit - I seriously recommend making the splurge though as they totally dress up the artwork. You will not be disappointed...I PROMISE!! *Z1327 Green Button Assortment             $5.95 *Z1316 Cocoa Ribbon Collection   ...

The HOW and WHY....

I have a lot on my plate, I admit it! I constantly am asked HOW I do it..... and of course WHY I choose to do it all. So here's my story.... I am married to a High School baseball coach (and teacher).  He's been coaching since we met.  His aspirations have always been to coach in college, and I hope that's in his future!  Coaching baseball is not just a March through May thing.... its YEAR ROUND!  He starts up at the end of August with fall ball.  That ends at the end of October or so.  At the end of November, they get into try-outs and winter ball.  They are in full-fledged baseball season as soon as winter break ends.  Games begin at the end of February and end with the Valley Championship at the end of May.  As soon as that is done, they try-out for summer ball.  That lasts until July 4th.  So our summer begins then and ends when I go back to work the second week of August.  This demanding schedule of the baseball co...

CTMH--- You & Me

Check out this AMAZING kit available through CTMH for National Scrapbooking Month:  It features two fully embellished layouts, each with their own unique personality, a D-size stamp set, and an instruction guide to step you through the creation process. I am sure you will LOVE this kit! Here's how you can get yours: Place a minimum order of $50, you can grab an exclusive You & Me scrapbooking kit for just $15! —that’s more than half off the retail value of the kit!   You can also purchase the kit outright for $34.95 with or without a minimum purchase.  As part of our promotion, we’re also offering new Consultants who join Close To My Heart in May 50% off the base price of the New Consultant Kit PLUS a free You & Me scrapbooking kit valued at $34.95!  WOOOHOOOO! Don't forget that the Consultant kit is only $64.50 this month, a HUGE deal!  Click here to JOIN MY TEAM today, and receive this kit for FREEEEE!!! OR, shop HERE to get your...

*~*Flowers, Flowers Everywhere~*~ Blog Hop Day 2

Thanks for joining us on the Flowers, Flowers Everywhere Blog Hop!  DAY 2 You should have arrived from Monica's blog .  The hop begins on Kathryn's blog if you'd like to start at the top.   We have 22 fabulous designers all ready to showcase some of their favorite FLOWER creations with you today!  This is a two-day hop. so you are catching Day 2.  Scroll down for the Day 1 post :)  Today's project is a layout using one of my All-time Favorite paper kits from CTMH--- Sophia!  This layout comes from "Magic"- the amazing How-To book from CTMH.  This layout was also inspired by fellow consultants Karen and Lisa.  My favorite part of this layout is the fabulous Pink Rose Ribbon!  The dimension is amazing and it adds so much to the layout whether used in a long strip on the second page, or a single flower on the first.  I also love the big giant flower frame around the photo!  The Magic How-to book provides the template for ...

*~*Flowers, Flowers Everywhere~*~ Blog Hop

Thanks for joining us on the Flowers, Flowers Everywhere Blog Hop!  You should have arrived from Monica's blog .  The hop begins on Kathryn's blog if you'd like to start at the top.   We have 22 fabulous designers all ready to showcase some of their favorite FLOWER creations with you today!  This is a two-day hop. so most of us will have a second project posted tomorrow, so be sure to stop by again! Today I'm featuring a Birthday card with a large folded flower.  A few months ago I learned how to make this super easy flower through Close to My Heart. First I punched 8 circles (1 1/4") from my patterned paper, Mayberry.  I made sure that the reverse side of my paper was all the same shade (of honey). Next I folded up one side, about 1/3.  Then I folded the second side up, forming a point at the bottom, like a cone shape. I did this for all 8 "flower petals".  I took a 9th punched circle and put lots of adhesive on it.  I then added...

CTMH-- Studio J Layouts

Here are some of my recent Studio J creations. Once again, I am using Studio J to create my 2012 Calendar.  This year, I am doing them early, so it doesn't pile up on me at the end of the year!   April's calendar layouts using Sophia (yes, these are pictures from last week and YES, my daughter's dress matches the paper pack!)   March calendar layouts using Lucky.   Park day using Rough and Tumble- and oldie but goodie!  This may have been my very first paper pack I ordered through CTMH (4 1/2 years ago)   Batting Practice using Stardust   Lil Artists using Animal Cookies   1st Lesson using Splash Zone (studio J exclusive) I placed my order