Want to earn 10 FREE Studio J™ Layouts?????
When you sign up as a CTMH Consultant between October 1–31 and achieve both levels of Straight To The Top (STTT), you will receive 10 Studio J layouts FREE! Earning Straight To The Top Level 1 and 2 sets you up for a successful business with Close To My Heart. By adding the 10 FREE Studio J layouts, you not only learn more about our new exciting online design software, but it’s the icing on the cake for a wonderful and beneficial start with Close To My Heart.
That's over $280 in FREE products, in addition to the amazing kit that you'd get for signing up as a new consultant!
Check out the new consultant kit HERE. And what are you waiting for??? SIGN UP TODAY!!!! I would love to have you join my team: Whoo's Scrampin!
Go to StudioJ.com to learn more about our exciting new online design software.