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Showing posts from February, 2009

My Heart Belongs 2.....

I did this layout for a Monthly challenge at a board I am on! Its the first time that I have hand sewn (the giant heart) OR machine sewed (with my new machine) on a LO!!!!!

New Sketch :)

Last Chance for a FREE stamp set!!!!

Do you just LOVE this stamp set?????? Well Saturday 2/28 is your last chance to pick this GOOD TIMES stamp set up for FREE!!!!! HOW???? Order $25 worth of STAMPS and get this set for FREE!!!! Email me your order OR order off my website today!!! Don't miss out! This set is just too cute to miss! (Plus it has a cupcake on it, so you know I'm a fan!)

BLOG CANDY!!!!!!!!!

So, I was the lucky winner of the adorable cupcake album from my friend Shanna .... so I'm passing on the blog candy! Since I'm a CTMH consultant- the prize is a CTMH stamp set :) Here's what you need to do: 1- Follow this blog 2- Make a post on your blog/fave message board and link it back to me 3- Post a comment here (with your link) AND tell me what your favorite CTMH product or item is :) Not sure??? Go to my site and browse :) That's all...... now go spread the word!!!! Prize- Annotations stamp set from CTMH (October 08 Stamp of the Month) Winner will be selected on Monday March 2 :)

Another Cupcake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one I'm keeping for now :)

I made that cupcake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know, that cupcake that I've been raving about!!!!!! If you watch Tresa's tutorial video, its actually quite easy. (time consuming, but easy). I made it into a gift card holder :) I had a blast making it and it was very well loved by the recipient. Yup, had to give it away. No worries though, going to make some more :)

Creative Scrappers Sketch

Did you know I am one of the sketch artists at Creative Scrappers ?????? Well this sketch is the sketch of the week there! Use this sketch and post it in their gallery for a chance at a prize!

Look what I won!!!!!!!

Thanks to my dear friend Shanna!!!!!! I won her blog candy- to add to my cupcake obsession! If this were not enough- I got that sweet cupcake (for Allie) from PammyDawn Designs in the mail this week, and a cupcake candle from a good friend at work. I'll have some blog candy of my own up by next week!

New Layouts!!

Andrea sketch Page Maps Sketch

Check me out!!!!!!!

As I logged into CTMH tonight I discovered my new title: Jennifer Patrick - Manager WOOHOOOOOO!!!!!! I have 5 downline now with CTMH! 4 Active consultants- Michelle, Jessica, Keeley and Lauren 1 JR consultant- Kathy Yay for my team!!!!!!!!!

A NEW sketch

I used this one at my retreat, here's my LO again:

Monday Sketch

Retreat Layouts

A few of the 30 LO's I accomplished at retreat 2 weeks ago!!!! CTMH Emporium Creative Basics CTMH stardust DCWV & Rusty Pickle Basic Grey Euphoria CTMH Key to my heart CTMH Sarsaparilla

Friday Favorites

I have not done this in a while and after a couple discoveries today, and a reminder from my friend Shanna , thought today would be a good day to bring it back. First off, my very talented cousin Pam of PammyDawn Designs created this amazing cupcake clippy!!!!! I "requested" one a couple weeks ago, and discovered it on her blog today. Not sure if this was created FOR me, but does it really matter- its FREAKING CUTE! I'm still in awe and amazement at the talent of Tresa Black for creating this cupcake: Check out her blog for a video tutorial on how to make one of your own! And just so you are sure that I'm truly obsessed with cupcakes these days, look at this incredible FREE stamp set promotion that CTMH has going on right now: Spend $25 in stamps and get this stamp set absolutely free. Of course there's a little cupcake in there too ;) What a deal that is!!!!!

Acrylic Album Workshop preview

My next Workshop!!!!! Sunday March 8th! $40.00 Email me for details!!!!! Not local??? Purchase a kit! Email me!

Why do they tease me like this????

Check out this AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME blog candy from my good friend Shanna !!!!!! Why does she have to tease me with a cupcake chipboard album???? I have this obsession with cupcakes, help!!!!!

Monday Sketch!