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Showing posts from May, 2008

Memorial Day Sketch

Lets see what you can do with these circles :)

Friday Favorites

I like this idea Kelci!!!!!!! Thanks :) My new favorite Layout: I've been reading about this "threading water punch" on the cricut message board... found it at Michael's yesterday! WAY COOL! Gives that scalloped edge AND the holes in each scallop!!! And, in honor of American Idol crowning another great idol (David Cook)... here's my all time favorite Idol contestant: Happy Memorial Day Weekend :)

I was Tagged!

By Amanda from BBC! So here's the rules as to what I had to do and if you are one of my lucky 7 below then what you are suppose to do. 1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog . 7 Facts 1. I am still pregnant 2. I teach PE full time at a middle school. Only I'm on maternity leave right now, thank goodnes!! 3. I though David Archuletta was going to win American Idol, but am glad to see that David Cook won! 4. I love being a baseball wife! 5. My mom and dad are in Hawaii, probably going to miss the birth of their grand daughter :( 6. I have the best online friends ever ;) 7. I should be cleaning instead of doing this..... Ok so who's my lucky seven gonna to be? 1. Shanna: Great frien...

New Sketch

A Scrappin Saturday (&Sunday too)

I sat down and scrapped for the first time in a while.... got a bunch done :) Thank you cards- used CTMH's Boom-di-ada papers! Mom's Stars Boy Toys- sketch by Jan Great Grandparents- another Jan sketch Cousins

Friday Favorites

Inspired by Kelci Here are some of my favorites right now: Red vines???- why not! yummmmm I'm pregnant, remember ;) Cricut expression- mine just arrived yesterday (thanks honey for my mom's day gift!!!!!!!) Drooling over this: mama needs a diaper bag!

More of my recent work!

While I've been on maternity leave (pre-baby) I've gotten some good time to scrap! Unfortunately due to my size, it takes me a while to get things done.... I do it! This uses my sketch from 4/21 Mama's Genuine Boy: This Fancy Pants Paper is awesome!!!!! Before I was a mom I've always wanted to use this poem on a page, so I made this for my AAM Album!

New Sketch for A Sketchy Place

More of my recent work

Altered bucket for daughters room :) Altered frame for a friend :) Interestingly- I never scrapped those ultrasound pics from Tyler...

Fun Circle Cards

I learned how to do these at my LSS this weekend. Basics: Take 3 (or more) stamps, 3 (or more) colors ink. Random stamp a 12x12 piece of cardstock. Cut 4 equal circles (smallest one I used my coluzzle, largest one is about 5.75" diameter). Fold circles in half, design on outside. Ink edges. Then measure the diameter of the circle. Cut a square piece of cardstock that size, ink edges.. Adhere each circle to the square piece of cs, overlapping on the back. When you fold up the card, you fold like a box, so it looks like a pillow box. You can stamp a sentiment on the inside of your card as I did! Hope that all made sense :)

2 Photo Sketch

As seen on A sketchy place