
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Heartfelt WELCOME!

Jeanette Lynton posted this on her blog Friday:

This week, Close To My Heart concluded one of our highest new Consultant enrollment months ever—more than 3,600 Consultants joined our family! And who's surprised? (not me!) With an incredible new Consultant kit PLUS a free Cricut® collection, signing up was a great deal…but there's a great deal more here, and I'm eager for you to discover what it means to be a Close To My Heart Consultant.
You've just joined an incredible community of passionate paper crafters, savvy business leaders, dedicated teachers, and product enthusiasts who have found their place using, loving, and sharing our unique and exclusive products. We celebrate each other's successes. We laugh. We learn together. We hope each one of you are working with your new Upline to determine a vision for your new business—it is here to work for YOU, fitting your life and your needs and your creative journey, whatever that may be.
I'm also so grateful to the thousands of existing Consultants who are such incredible ambassadors of our business opportunity. Thank you for sharing what you love with others this past month—you are a light and you keep this company shining brightly! My heart is full of appreciation and excitement for each of you and this great time for growth. I say it often, but it's always true: You are welcome here!

In the month of April, the Roxybonds Scrappers team welcomed 71 new members!!!! 

Here's the breakdown:
13 new First Downline!
35 new Second Downline!
16 new Thrid Downline
7 Sister consultants

Isn't that A-MA-ZING!!!! 

I look forward to getting to know them all, working with them, training them and seeing them SOAR!!!!!

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Have a happy, scrappy day!